Lichfield Road, Brownwhills, Walsall WS8 6LS
01543 373 033

Dental Procedures


Dental Disease is one of the most common diseases our dogs and cats can suffer. Just like humans, good dental hygiene and prompt treatment of dental disease are key for our pets to maintain a healthy, pain-free mouth.

The most common dental problems seen are periodontal disease and fractured teeth. Periodontal disease has been linked to kidney, liver, lung and heart disease, as well as diabetes and arthritis.

Dental Disease?

Periodontal disease is the most common infectious disease of adult dogs. It is a progressive, cyclical inflammatory disease of the supporting structures of the teeth and is the main cause of dental disease and early tooth loss in dogs and cats. It affects over 87% of dogs and 70% of cats over three years of age.


Dental Disease Stages


Shows the signs of gingivitis, such as tartar, swelling and red gums. The tooth and gum do not separate.


The gums are swollen and painful, and tooth crowns are becoming weak.


Plaque has accumulated under the gum line, and it is now affecting the tooth or teeth. The teeth and gums are starting to separate.


The tartar has accumulated and caused the gums to recede. The roots are exposed and the teeth must be extracted.

Dental Check Appointment

Pets form plaque and tartar on their teeth and need to be checked by a professional every six months. We do have a dedicated dental nurse clinic to help detect the signs of dental disease early.

During a dental check, our nurse will give your pet a nose-to-tail health check, with a focus on their mouth and teeth. They will look out for signs of fractured teeth, gingivitis, periodontitis, tartar and any other issues that could lead to dental disease.

Upon this appointment, your nurse may recommend X-rays.


Gold Standard Dentals

As part of our gold standard dental, there are no hidden costs both our dental procedures include X-rays and general anaesthetics within the price.

X-Rays are essential to identify dental disease, dental disease is found below the gum line, making it difficult to find without X-rays. Radiographs allow us to identify and fix painful issues such as fractures, tooth abscesses, broken or missing roots, and bone or soft tissue tumours. 

Many practices don’t X-Ray teeth as part of a dental procedure but we include this in our dental procedures as standard. 


Scale & Polish

The scaling and polishing procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, which involves placing a tube into the dog or cat’s airway to facilitate breathing and prevent any debris from entering the lungs.

The first step in scaling and polishing a dog or cat’s teeth is to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth with a scaler and sometimes a specialized hand tool.

After tartar is removed from a dog or cat tooth, the surface is polished with a high-speed polishing tool.

While polishing has some cosmetic benefits, it also removes rough spots on the teeth, helping to prevent plaque buildup.

We include a free consultation at this appointment and we have a fixed price on all our dental packages. 

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Dental Procedures 

Stage one- Dental charting, scale and polish, and full mouth x-rays.
Stage two – Oral surgery carried out two weeks after stage one, extracting teeth as a separate stage reduces the risk of infections, and is a much safer approach than carrying out the procedure all at once.

Day procedure
General anaesthesia with continuous monitoring by an RVN nurse using specialist monitoring equipment.
Admission appointment to discuss the procedure and any concerns you may have.
General anaesthesia with continuous monitoring by RVN nurse using specialist monitoring equipment.
IV fluids (if indicated based on blood results and /or vital stats whilst under general anaesthesia).
Dental charting, probing of teeth and gum-lines
Full mouth dental X-rays
Descale and polish to remove any build-ups of tartar or staining.
Extraction of any obvious wobbly teeth.
A collection appointment to go through the procedure results and any home care that is needed.
Up to two post-operative checks are performed by veterinary Nurses or veterinary care assistants and are included in the price of your pet’s surgery.
Day procedure
Generally carried out two weeks after the stage one procedure, if necessary.
Admission appointment to discuss the procedure with you and any concerns you may have.
General anaesthesia with continuous monitoring by RVN nurse using specialist monitoring equipment.
Surgical extraction of diseases and painful teeth.
A collection appointment to go through the procedure results and any home care that is needed.
Two post-operative checks are performed by Veterinary Nurses or veterinary care assistants and are included in the price of your pet’s surgery.

Treatment: Before And After 


Why is the procedure split into two stages?

  • The main reason for this is to prevent your pet from being under anaesthesia for an excessively long period of time.  The charting, scale and polish, and full mouth x-rays (i.e. Stage I) can take up to one hour alone.     
  • Extended anaesthetics can lead to low blood pressure issues (hypotension), as well as the development of a reduced body temperature (hypothermia), both of which can be harmful to your pet’s anaesthetic safety and recovery.  
  • It also allows for proper planning of the required oral surgery, rather than unexpected diseases being identified during dental radiography, and these having to be addressed immediately.  
  • Performing Stage II on a separate day allows the oral surgery to be performed in a cleaner environment, rather than immediately after the descaling process. 
  • Two planned, shorter procedures increase the likelihood of smoother and timelier recoveries at both stages.

Why does my pet need to have a second stage procedure?

  • A second procedure is required because the dental x-rays have revealed diseased teeth/roots/jaw bone.  
  • Without appropriate action, the disease processes will continue, and ongoing dental disease and infection will persists. 
  • More importantly, dental disease is painful, and without appropriate action your pet will continue to live with a chronically painful mouth.  

Are multiple anaesthetics safe for my pet?

  • f your pet is able to receive one anaesthetic, then there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to cope with a second (or third). 
  • The premedication and anaesthetic combinations that we use are selected specifically for your pet, based on their individual health needs.  
  • Furthermore, every pet’s anaesthetic is closely monitored by trained professionals, as well as electronic multiparameter anaesthetic monitoring equipment.   
  • In all cases, consideration has to be given to the risks and benefits.  However, in the case of dental disease, then the benefits often outweigh the risks.