Lichfield Road, Brownwhills, Walsall WS8 6LS
01543 373 033



Nasal endoscopy (Rhinoscopy) is a diagnostic tool used by our vets to examine the nasal cavity of animals.

It involves using a specialised instrument, called a nasoscope, to see inside the nasal passages and sinuses.

What Is Rhinoscopy?

Rhinoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows us to examine the nasal cavity for potential problems such as irritation, inflammation, cancer, lacerations, bleeding, or foreign bodies such as plant debris.
This procedure requires mild to moderate anaesthesia.

In nasal endoscopy, a small fiberoptic endoscope is inserted into the nasal cavity through the dog’s nose and then guided through it. If a foreign body is detected during endoscopy, it can be removed with a small specialist accessory attached to the endoscope.

Alternatively, an endoscope is used to obtain biopsies from the nasal cavity

Benefits Of Rhinoscopy

Rhinoscopy has several advantages for pets:


Rhinoscopy provides a direct and clear view of the inside of the nasal passages, this allows us to accurately diagnose conditions such as foreign objects, infections, tumours and growths. 


By easily visualising the inside of the nasal passages, Rhinoscopy can help identify problems early on, before they become more serious. 


Rhinoscopy provides the opportunity for us to take biopsy samples if needed, which can be used to identify specific conditions affecting the nasal passages.


Unlike traditional surgical procedures, rhinoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require incisions or extensive tissue damage.


We can use the Rhinoscope to retrieve foreign bodies from the nasal passages, which can cause discomfort and health issues for your pet.


Rhinoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia and is minimally invasive which means your pet will recover faster.

Nosing Around

Cats and dogs are naturally curious animals and will roam and explore their surroundings if given the opportunity.

Unlike humans, dogs and cats rely on their noses to observe things in their environment. That’s why as they explore new places and surroundings, you’ll find them sniffing out every nook and cranny they come across.
Unfortunately, this normal behavior can cause your pet to accidentally inhale seemingly innocuous objects that can get stuck in their nasal passages and cause problems.

What Are The Signs That My Pet May Need Rhinoscopy?

Your pet may exhibit a variety of symptoms. These symptoms are not specific to any particular disease process; rather, they are similar to disorders affecting the dog’s nose.

Some of the symptoms that may be associated with this condition are sneezing, runny nose of all kinds, stuffy nose, heavy sniffling/snorting, choking or swelling of the face or skull.

Since cats rarely breathe through their mouths, it is not uncommon for cats to have difficulty breathing when they have a stuffy nose.


Grass Seed Removal – Rhinoscopy

Watch Puzzle’s story! 


Is Rhinoscopy a safe procedure?

Yes! This telescope is suitable for most dogs & cats, but its diameter is too large for extremely small pets. For very small pets, a rigid telescope with a diameter of 1.2 mm is required instead. In the majority of cases involving dogs, a 2.7 mm telescope and either a size six suction cannula or a biopsy forceps set can be inserted alongside one another.

What should I expect after the procedure?

Since the nose contains a significant amount of blood supply, it is normal for there to be nasal bleeding following a nasal biopsy.

What could be the reason for your pet's sneezing?

Sneezing or nasal fluid might be symptoms of the same condition, or they can be symptoms of other issues. They are linked to diseases that affect either the nasal cavity or the nasal septum, or both of these areas.

Sneezing once in a while is totally natural, but persistent, forceful episodes of sneezing may indicate that there is inflammation in the nasal cavity due to the following:

  • Viruses
  • Air-borne irritants/pollutants, such as dust or fumes
  • Foreign objects, such as plant debris
  • Nasal mites in canines
  • All the heath illnesses that cause abnormal nasal fluid

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