
Skin, Ears and Fur

Both dogs and cats can suffer from allergies and the symptoms often present on the animal’s skin. An allergy can be defined as an over-sensitivity to different stimuli such as pollen, grass and food.

Skin allergies are one of the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs and cats

Diagnosis of skin conditions:

Many skin and ear conditions can look very similar to each other resulting in difficult diagnosis. Don’t worry, however, we have a complete variety of methods and tests to get to the bottom of the problem.

Coat combing

Fur pluckings

Skin scraping

Tape strips

Diet trials

Blood tests

Skin Biopsy

Allergy Test

AI Dermatology Testing

This innovative tool allows us to quickly and accurately analyse skin and ear cytology samples, detecting conditions such as bacterial and fungal infections, parasites like mites and lice, inflammatory skin diseases, and cancerous lesions. With its advanced AI-driven analysis, the Vetscan Imagyst provides rapid, precise results, ensuring early detection and effective treatment of dermatological conditions.

What are the causes?

Dogs and cats, much like humans, can experience a variety of skin conditions, some of which can affect both pets and people.

Fleas and ticks are parasites that attach to your pet’s skin, causing irritation and potential skin infections. Mange, caused by mites, presents in two forms: Sarcoptic mange and Demodectic mange. Sarcoptic mange is the more prevalent type, known for its high contagiousness and the ability to be transmitted to humans.
Bacterial Infections

Staph infection is the most prevalent bacterial skin infection in dogs, caused by the Staphylococcus sp. bacterium. It poses a zoonotic risk, meaning that dogs and humans can share the infection with one another, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining good hygiene and seeking prompt treatment.


Dogs and cats can suffer from allergies, with symptoms frequently manifesting on their skin. An allergy is characterised by hypersensitivity to various triggers, including pollen, grass, and certain foods. Skin allergies, also referred to as atopic dermatitis, are among the most prevalent causes of itchy skin in these beloved pets.

Yeast & Fungal Infections

Yeast infections, also known as Malassezia dermatitis or yeast dermatitis, commonly occur in dogs’ ears, between their paw pads, or in skin folds. This condition can cause the affected areas of your dog’s skin to become itchy, red, and irritated. If left untreated, yeast infections in a dog’s ears can potentially lead to deafness.

Alopecia in pets can manifest as bald patches, uneven fur, or a noticeably thin coat. If your pet is showing signs of alopecia, it may be due to an underlying condition that is causing hair loss or a behavioral issue leading to excessive grooming. Affected areas are vulnerable to additional complications, such as skin infections, making timely evaluation important.
Hormonal Problems

Hormonal issues in pets can significantly impact their skin and coat health, with conditions such as hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, and imbalances in sex hormones playing a major role. Hypothyroidism often leads to symptoms like hair loss, thinning fur, weight gain, fatigue, and a lackluster coat. Meanwhile, Cushing’s disease is associated with bald patches, increased susceptibility to skin infections, and the formation of calcium deposits.

Ear Problems
Some patients may experience a range of ear conditions, from mild to severe, which are addressed through dermatological care. Ear infections can arise from various factors, making it sometimes challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. In certain instances, a swab may be necessary to accurately determine the source of the infection.
Dandruff (Seborrhea)
Seborrhea leads to a pet’s skin becoming oily and forming scales or dandruff. In some instances, it is a hereditary condition that starts in puppies and persists throughout their lives. However, in many cases, pets with seborrhea develop this scaling as a result of other underlying health issues, including allergies or hormonal imbalances.

Gemm and her french bulldog – Darci

Did you know French bulldogs are prone to skin conditions an allergies?

Symptoms associated with skin conditions

  • Itching
  • Excessive licking or chewing
  • Inflammation
  • Lesions or Scabbs
  • Scaly Patches
  • Rashes
  • Dry or Flaky Skin
  • Bald Patches
  • Swelling or Lumps
  • Hot Spots (areas where itching is particulary intense and moist)

Types of allergies

Flea Allergy

Flea saliva can trigger allergies in cats and dogs, leading to excessive grooming and scratching that result in red spots and crusted areas known as miliary dermatitis.

Food Allergy

Food allergies in cats and dogs, often triggered by proteins such as chicken, fish, gluten, and egg, can lead to distressing symptoms like scratching around the head and neck, while in dogs, itching may be widespread, affecting any area on their body.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a reaction to environmental allergens similar to hay fever or asthma in humans. Allergens can be seasonal, like pollen, or present year-round, such as house dust mites. Dogs and cats typically itch only during high allergen periods, resulting in seasonal itching at specific times of the year.

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Monday – Friday: 8:00am-6:00pm

Surgery Admits: 7:30

Saturday: 9:00am-12:00pm

Sunday: Closed

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