Lichfield Road, Brownwhills, Walsall WS8 6LS
01543 373 033


Skin, Ears and Fur 

Both dogs and cats can suffer from allergies and the symptoms often present on the animal’s skin.

An allergy can be defined as an oversensitivity to different stimuli such as pollen, grass and food.

Skin allergies are one of the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs and cats

Causes Of Skin Conditions

Dogs can suffer from many different kinds of skin conditions, just like humans can, and some of them can affect both people and dogs. Some of the most common skin conditions in dogs include:


Fleas and ticks are parasites that latch onto your pets skin, they can cause irritation, and infection of the skin.
Mange is a skin disease caused by mites, affecting pets in two types: Sarcoptic mange and Demodectic mange. Sarcoptic mange is the most common, It is highly contagious and can be passed on to humans.


Dogs and cats can have allergies, and symptoms often appear on the animal’s skin. Allergy can be defined as hypersensitivity to various stimuli such as pollen, grass and food. Skin allergies are one of the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs and cats, also known as atopic dermatitis (atopy).

Bacterial Infections

The most common bacterial skin infection that appears in dogs, staph infection is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus sp. And is a zoonotic risk, which means dogs and humans can transmit the infection between each other, making good hygiene and early treatment a high priority.

Yeast and Fungal Infections

Yeast infections can also be called “Malassezia dermatitis, or Yeast Dermatitis” and it usually occurs in a dog’s ears, between their paw pads, or in their skin folds. This condition can make the affected area of your dog’s skin itchy, red, and irritated. Yeast infections in a dog’s ear can also lead to deafness if the condition goes too long without treatment.

Hormonal Problems

Hormone problems in dogs can affect their skin and fur, including hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, and sex hormone imbalances. Hypothyroidism causes hair loss, thinning, weight gain, low energy, and dull coat.
Cushing’s disease causes bald patches, skin infections, and calcium deposits.

Dandruff (Seborrhea)

Seborrhea causes a pet’s skin to become greasy and develop scales (dandruff). In some cases, it’s a genetic disease that begins when a dog is young and lasts a lifetime. But most pet’s with seborrhea develop the scaling as a complication of another medical problem, such as allergies or hormonal abnormalities


Alopecia can develop as bald patches, patchy fur or as a generally thin coat. If your pet is developing alopecia, it may be because of a condition that is causing their fur to fall out, or, could be because of a problem that is causing them to over groom. Areas of alopecia are at risk of other problems such as skin infections.

Ear Problems

Some patients can suffer from mild to severe ear conditions, which are treated under dermatology. Ear infections can be caused by a variety of different stimuli and sometimes it can be tricky to find the cause of the infection. In some cases, a swab may need to be taken to identify the cause of the infection

Symptoms Of Skin Conditions

Excessive licking or chewing
Lesions or Scabbs
Scaly Patches
Dry or Flaky Skin 
Bald Patches
Swelling or Lumps
Hot Spots (areas where itching is particulary intense and moist)


Types Of Allergies 

Flea Allergy

Flea saliva can cause allergic reactions in cats and dogs, causing over-grooming, scratching, and nibbling, resulting in red spots and widespread crusts called miliary dermatitis.

Food Allergy

Food allergies, triggered by proteins like chicken, fish, gluten, and egg, can occur in cats and dogs, causing scratching around the head and neck, while in dogs, itching can affect any itchy dog.

Atopic Dematitis 

Atopic dermatitis is essentially a reaction to environmental allergens, comparable to hay fever or asthma in humans. The environmental allergen may be seasonal, for example pollen, or be present all year round, for example house dust mites. Regarding seasonal allergic dermatitis, dogs and cats only itch when there are many allergens, so they only itch at certain times of the year.

Dogs and cats with atopic dermatitis may scratch their bodies, lick and chew their paws, and rub their faces.

Diagnosis Of Skin Conditions

Many skin and ear conditions can look very similar to each other resulting in difficult diagnosis. Don’t worry, however, we have a complete variety of diagnostic tests to get to the bottom of the problem.









Treating Skin Conditions

No one treatment fits all, and every pet with a skin allergy needs a slightly different treatment plan.

Treatments can range from: A change in diet, parasite control, steriods, supplements, shampoos and antihistamines.

We do offer free nurse clinic to prevent advice, and support on allergies.


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