Our Forget me Not page is dedicated to our wonderful clients and their much loved pets

We would like to invite you to celebrate your beloved pets inspiring lives on our Forget Me Not memorial space.

If you would like to pay tribute to your furbaby, please email: [email protected]


Pippa’s mom & dad, Deb & Chris, share their memory of their previous girl:

“We are truly devastated at losing Pippa ? Her sister, Jazz is really struggling. They came to us as sisters and have been together all their lives, nearly 12 years ?. They came as a pair and we are giving Jazz as much love and continuity as possible.

Goodbye Pippa, run free sweet girl. You were a special, fantastic and wonderfully unique dog” ❤


Tracey shares her memory of her beloved girl, Mildred:

“I had Mildred from 7 weeks old until she was nearly 16 years, saying goodbye to her was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. She was such a gentle, loyal soul from the moment we had her to the moment she left. She was more than a dog, she was my best friend. She was awarded a Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze Award and was also known for having an ASBO with other dogs! She was one of the first to welcome our first daughter 3.5 years ago and the two of them shared a lovely bond.

Sadly, Mildred lost her 4-year battle with Heart & Kidney failure in July 2022. Had it not been for the wonderful team at Warren House and her daily sausages with medication hidden in, we wouldn’t have had those extra 4 years with her. I miss her terribly, her kisses and snuggles, even her snoring like a train. Our home will never be the same without her”.

‘”You taught me to live in the moment, the importance of play and to love unconditionally. You let me know our time was borrowed. I stayed by your side, I did not leave you, I pressed my head to your head, I felt the last beat of your heart. I know with complete certainty that I have had the privilege to love the greatest dog. Until we meet again – good girl Mils” xxx ❤


Blue’s mommy, Harriet, shares special memories of her beautiful boy:

“Blue was our beautiful, big, goofy boy ? Sadly, I feel he didn’t get as long as he should have with us. He came home to us at 7 weeks old, a little ball of fluff. He sadly passed away after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer ? On 3rd November 2022 we lost our forever friend.

Enjoy crossing the rainbow bridge, Blue ??

Thank you so much to the whole team at Warren House for looking after Blue all these years.”


Buttons’ mommy, Barbara, remembers her precious girl:

“Our beautiful, much loved and forever missed, Buttons brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. We lost her on 8th September and her picture is on our desktop computer for us to say ‘hello best friend’, each morning. We were very touched to receive a condolence card from all the staff at Warren House and grateful to them for helping our beloved Buttons over the Rainbow Bridge. We now have 18-month old litter sisters, Dotty & Daisy, who have helped us through the dark days and brought back our smiles again.” ❤


Janet shares her memory of her beloved boy, Coco:

“Gary will remember my best boy, Coco. He was a gentle giant who waited for Gary to come back from Australia to say his final goodbye ? ?

He was such a special soul. Still brings tears to my eyes when I think of him” ???


Stevie, Reebok’s mommy, shares her memory of her lovely boy:

“I remember Titch (Gary’s dog), he was lovely. I bet Gary remembers Reebok too.

He was the most stubborn dog, that had to be carried into the vets as he wouldn’t go through the door.. but Gary became his best friend” ?


Jane, Beasley’s mommy, would like to remember her boy:

“Beasley, our beautiful 10 year old Basset Hound was sadly put to sleep on 9th August 2022. He was diagnosed with Lymphoma and, unfortunately, had got so unwell in a short time. We brought him home when he was 12 weeks old and he has been an amazing dog, so gentle and such a cuddly boy, who loved nothing better than a good sniff around the park and a nice sleep on the sofa. He was so loved by his family and we miss him so much.” ❤


How Natalie, his mommy, remembers him:

Sooty was lost on 11th September 2022 when he was diagnosed with aortic thromboembolism. I didn’t know anything about it but it’s apparently common in male cats.

I’ve had him for 14 years, we used to always say he was missing a brain cell. He was constantly falling off things or bumping into things ?

He wanted 24/7 attention and you couldn’t sit down without him coming to sit on your knee and he’d always come to bed with you so he wasn’t left on his own.


Titch was a rescue Jack Russel / Corgi who was Gary’s loyal companion. He was nice and quiet, just lovely to be with. When Gary went on holidays everybody wanted to look after him.

In 2010 Titch got mass cell tumour and had to be put to sleep. It is one of the most difficult tasks for a vet.


What her mommy told us about her:

“Misty was a typical moody female, only wanted stroking and love on her terms and would let you know when she wasn’t interested ?

We took her in as a stray we found in our garden. She was with us until 2021 when she got womb cancer, which spread in the pelvis.”

Gypsy Rose

“This is Gypsy Rose, my Shar Pei. I had her when she was 8 weeks old and she was the most well-behaved dog I have ever owned. She loved everyone, but not in that ‘in your face’ sort of way. She almost bent in half when she wagged her tail. Sadly, she went off her back legs when she was 8 years old and became incontinent which really upset her. She became quite distressed at not being able to get outside to toilet, and I had to make the decision to put her to sleep at home.” ?

As remembered by Cris, gypsy’s mum.


“Meet Toby, my first love. Toby was a Beagle and like all Beagles

he was very stubborn, but equally affectionate. My first dog, it was thanks to him that I understood what I wanted to be when I grew up. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 12 from a very aggressive Mastocytoma, which metastasised and took him away in a few days. We grew up together and he was the greatest gift of my life. I was not ready to let him go and it was a great pain, but I know he will always be with me.” ??

As remembered by our Vet, Federica.


“This is Buddy, or my bestest Bud as I called him. My husband and I chose him at 5 weeks old and brought him home at 8 weeks. He was funny, loving and always there for us when we needed him most. He loved snow days, they were his favourite, along with Christmas. He would often be found mooching through the gifts under the tree. He loved to steal things, including pulling the socks off our feet when watching a movie!! He was a laid back, loveable guy and even modelled my son’s Easter bonnet every year ? Forever in our hearts and always in our thoughts.” ?

As remembered by Nicola, our Receptionist.


“This is Popcorn, he was our first rescue and certainly won’t be our last. He was with

us for exactly a year and two months, when he decided to go to sleep and not wake up. Post-mortem and labs came back inconclusive. He came to us when we needed each other the most and we gave each other the best 14 months we could have asked for.

Such a loving, fun, infectious boy.” xx

Memory shared by our Receptionist, Nicola.


Dexter sealed his fate with a kiss at 7 weeks old. I knew he was coming home with me. We had just over 11 amazing years together. He had the best temperament which never changed even when his ailments progressed. He was a gentle inoffensive soul that just loved people. He had an in built palm scanner that he remembered anyone that had given him any affection and always greeted them with a smile and wagging tail. I never knew I had him as he was so quiet, but I certainly know he’s gone. I had 2 extra cherished years with him thanks to the care of Warren house vets. He is pain free now and will always be in my heart. Fondest memories till we meet again my best boy in the universe.

As remembered by: Dianne Steed, Dexter’s Mum x

Please email: [email protected] if you would like to leave a tribute.