We are proud to be supporting the British Veterinary Association and NHS Midlands with their launch of the first-ever veterinary antibiotic amnesty campaign.

During the month-long campaign we are encouraging pet owners to return out-of-date and unused antibiotics to their vets, for safe disposal and to help tackle the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) ?

Antibiotics are essential when treating many conditions in animals and people, but bacteria are becoming resistant to many antibiotics that we use in human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop defences that protect them from antibiotic medications, making treatment less effective. Using antibiotics when not needed increases the risk of antibiotic resistance and can lead to side effects or delay an accurate diagnosis. Unsafe disposal of unused or leftover antibiotics can also contribute to antibiotic resistance, as well as pollute the environment and affect wildlife.

Antibiotic resistance is a global health issue, and we need your help to keep antibiotics working.

We have a box in reception for you to drop off any unused medications – this could be extra from a recent prescription, antibiotics that you didn’t need or out-of-date medication.

Thank you for your support.