

We are dedicated to providing the most advanced care for your pets. One of the specialized services we offer is veterinary gastroscopy—a minimally invasive procedure designed to diagnose and treat conditions affecting your pet’s gastrointestinal tract. What is...
Fleas In Pets

Fleas In Pets

Fleas are tiny parasites that love to feed on your pet’s blood. The bites cause irritation and this can effect you and your family as well. These bites often leave your pet scratching, which can lead to irritation and allergies. If fleas reside on your dog, it can...
Tapeworm In Pets

Tapeworm In Pets

Tapeworms match their name, and look like long ribbons or pieces of tape. Itchy, unpleasant, and common, keeping your dog & cat free of tapeworms is simple and a great way to keep them healthy and happy. What are tapeworms? Tapeworms match their name and look like...
Roundworms In Pets

Roundworms In Pets

Roundworms are very common in the UK – in fact, studies have shown that over 20% of dogs and cats can become infected at any time! This means your dog is at risk of catching worms every time you go outside. Picked up in faeces or even contaminated soil, roundworms can...
Laparoscopic Gastropexy Techniques

Laparoscopic Gastropexy Techniques

What is the difference? Gastropexy is a surgical procedure used to attach the stomach to the abdominal wall to prevent gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), commonly known as bloat. In pets, particularly dogs, several types of gastropexy are performed, each with its own...