Starting from 1st January 2023, we are running PATIENT OF THE MONTH competitions on our social media ⭐️ ? ⭐️ The patient photo that gets shared the most on Facebook will win a hamper of goodies for the pet to share with their owners ? ? HOW TO WIN THE COMPETITION? ?...

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR mailing list

We’d like to keep you up to date with our latest news, exciting promotions and useful information relating to the health and well-being of your pet.  By providing your details and subscribing to our mailing list, you are giving your permission for us to contact...
win £100

win £100

  Help us improve and win £100. We are collecting constructive feedback so we know what we did well and what we could do even better. Please would you like to help us?  Go to VetHelpDirect website and leave us your review. At the end of June 2022 we...
February is the Dental month!

February is the Dental month!

Dental month is here! #dentalheath#dentalmonth February is the international month of dental health. For every week we prepared some way to help you with your pets gums, teeth, breath.. anything related to dental health. Absolute majority of pet owners don’t...
Free anal glands and nail clips

Free anal glands and nail clips

Early Christmas Present from Warren House Vets FREE NAIL CLIPS and FREE ANAL GLANDS Next week only in our dedicated free nurse advice clinics: 2-5pm (Mon 20.12. – Thur 23.12.) 2-4pm (Fri 24.12.) So book now! Limited spaces and going...