Ear Problems In Cats
Your cat may tilt their head to one side or the other because of an ear problem.
Ear infections can also cause disorientation and irritability in cats.
If your cat is behaving strangely, including hiding for long periods of time, it’s usually a sign that something is seriously wrong.
Signs Of Ear Problems In Cats
Itchy ear(s)
Hot and swollen ear(s)
Painful ear(s) – they may become head shy or not want to be stroked
Smelly ear(s)
Head shaking and face rubbing
A swollen droopy earflap, also called an ‘aural haematoma’
Discharge, dirt, wax or blood from the ear(s)
A head tilt
Loss of balance
Flickering eye movements
Causes Of Ear Problems In Cats
Parasites – Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) can be common in kittens and can also spread to other animals in the household.
Allergic Skin Disease – Skin disease often includes the ears and causes red, inflamed, itchy skin.
Waxy/Dirty Ears – A build-up of wax can create the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast to grow. This is often worse in breeds with narrow ear canals.
Ear Infections – An irritating and painful overgrowth of bacteria or yeast inside the ear, often caused by another underlying problem.
Aural Haematoma – A blood blister in the earflap, often caused by an underlying problem that irritates the ear.
Foreign Bodies -Occasionally a grass seed or other debris can get lodged in the ear canal, causing pain and irritation.
Vestibular Disease – An inner ear problem that affects balance.
Ear Polyps – Non-cancerous growths inside the ear canal.

How Can You Help Your Cat?
Regularly check your cat’s ears.
Keep your cat’s ears clean. Your vet can suggest suitable ear cleaners for your cat.
If your cat suffers from allergic skin disease, talk to your vet, or make an appointment with us, to see if there’s anything else that you can do to help your dog at home.
If you live in an area where ear mites are common, use appropriate parasite preventatives for your dog.
Not all treatments are effective against mites, so please speak to us or make an appointment with your vet to discuss the best treatment choice for your dog.
Did You Know?
Cats have 32 muscles in each ear
Cats have super-powered hearing, better than dogs!
Cats’ ears are critical to their balance.
Cats use their ears to communicate
All cat’s are born deaf
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