Lichfield Road, Brownwhills, Walsall WS8 6LS
01543 373 033

Flea & Worming

Is Flea & Worming Important?

Yes! Fleas and worms are parasites that can cause serious illnesses, including gastrointestinal problems, anemia, and skin allergies when they come into contact with your dog or cat.

They can also be harmful to humans, which means it’s important to be diligent, especially if you have children at home. Treating your pet for fleas and worms will ensure that you, your pet, and the rest of your household are healthy and safe.

Included In Our Pet Care Plan

What Causes My Pet To Get Fleas And Worms?

Avoiding fleas and worms is difficult when our pets are constantly coming into contact with other animals, whether this is other domestic pets or even wildlife.

Some fleas even carry worm larvae! Due to fleas and worms being so hard to avoid, it makes it even more important to make sure your dog or cat is given preventative treatment, rather than only beginning treatment once they have caught them.

Three Main Types Of Parasites Are Commonly Seen In Our Pets:


Roundworms (also known as nematodes or ascarids) are parasites that live freely in the intestine, feeding off partially digested intestinal contents.



Tapeworms are flat, segmented intestinal parasites of the cat and dog. 



Fleas are small insects that are parasitic; they feed on blood from animals and/or people. 


How Can I Prevent My Pet From Getting Fleas And Worms?

Flea medications and dewormers come in mainly two forms: tablets or topicals (spot-on treatment). After seeing your pet and updating its weight, we determine the required dosage and dispense the medication of your choice to your pet.

When Should Treatment Be Given?

The treatment should be administered regularly from an early age of your pet. Don’t allow any gaps in cover since this can end up in an endless fight with parasites (they don’t only bother your pet but fleas tend to stay in carpets and furniture, which makes their eradication very difficult). Medication is given every month or every three months, depending on which products are used.

Why Should I Get Flea And Worming From My Vets (Prescription) Instead Of Over The Counter?

Products available over the counter are based on repellents or even herbal remedies. Prescription-only flea and worm products are an actual veterinary medicine with active ingredients both kill and prevent parasites.

This is better for your pet as it stops them from getting fleas and worms to begin with as well as treating them once they have them.


NEW Prescribing Protocol:

After seeking further guidance from the Royal College Of Veterinary Surgeons, we have made changes to the way we prescribe Flea and Worm treatments and introduced a new protocol. 

Flea and worm prescriptions now need to be associated with a physical examination, we have decided to conduct these health checks for free.


Why do I need to keep treating my pet for fleas and worms?

Ongoing treatment for your pet is really important because flea pupae can lay dormant in your house for up to a year. If one of these hatches, it will seek out your cat or dog as a source of food. But if you’ve continued with flea protection for your animals, the newly hatched adult flea will die before laying any more eggs.

Should I Use Tablets Or Topical Treatments?

There are a number of advantages to using oral treatments instead of topical/spot-on treatments, one of the greatest advantages being that tablets will not leave any residue on your pet’s fur or skin, and it does not wash off if they get wet.

Are there any risks?

Prescription medications are very effective and will keep your pet safe from parasites, but it is still medication and as such can have some side effects, which may include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • And very rarely seizures

If your pet is showing any of these symptoms, contact us immediately.

Do I need to treat my house if my pet has fleas?

If your pet has fleas, it’s highly likely that they’ve spread around your home. Fleas nest and breed in bedding, carpets and curtains, so you should wash soft furnishings and use a flea spray around your home once your pet has been treated. Remember to also wash your dog or cat’s bedding so your pet isn’t reinfected.

Can I catch fleas or worms from my pet?

Fleas tend to prefer hairy animals like dogs and cats, but they will also bite people, causing itchy skin and even flu-like symptoms. It’s also possible for humans to catch roundworm, hookworm and whipworm, with children most at risk. Symptoms include coughing, headaches and stomach pain. In rare cases, roundworm larvae can infect organs.

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