Lichfield Road, Brownwhills, Walsall WS8 6LS
01543 373 033


Damaged Cruciate Ligaments

Cruciate ligament injuries are a common orthopedic issue in dogs, affecting their hind limbs. This blog aims to provide a thorough understanding of cruciate ligaments, the causes of injuries, common symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatment options. Cruciate ligaments in dogs play a crucial role in stabilising the knee joint, also known as the stifle joint.…
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Corneal Conditions In Dogs

Various corneal conditions can affect dogs, ranging from mild irritations to more serious issues. Here are some common corneal conditions seen in dogs, the symptoms to look out for, and what the treatments are. Let’s have a look at the conditions: Surgical Intervention Options Diamond Burr Keratectomy This surgical technique involves using a specialized tool…
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Cherry Eye In Dogs

Cherry eye surgery in dogs is a procedure performed to correct the condition known as cherry eye, where the gland of the third eyelid (nictitans gland) protrudes or prolapses from its normal position. Did you know? The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, is a protective membrane located in the inner corner of the eye. It…
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Eyelid Conditions In Pets

Ectropion and entropion are two different eyelid conditions in pets. In this article we explain the conditions in more depth, what you should look out for, and what the treatment involves. What Is Ectropion? Let’s begin with Ectropion, ectropion is an eyelid abnormality observed in pets where the lower eyelid turns outward, away from the…
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Muzzle Training

Is your dog required to wear a muzzle? This can be due to reactivity to other dogs, scavenging behaviour on walks, or UK restrictions. Are you unsure of where to start with muzzle training? Training is very important when introducing your dog to wearing a muzzle. Even the most laid-back dog can become stressed if…
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Urinary Problems In Cats & Dogs

Understand and manage urinary problems in your cat or dog, with our helpful information. Urinary problems in dogs and cats are common issues that we see a lot of here at Warren House Veterinary Centre. These problems can range from mild discomfort to severe health issues, affecting the overall well-being of our beloved furry friends.…
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GDV – Bloat In Dogs

Gastropexy is a procedure that permanently attaches the stomach to the muscle wall of the abdomen, what would cause the need for this surgery? We explain all… Gastropexy is a surgical procedure used in mainly large breed dogs to prevent gastric dilatation and volvulus, (GDV) also known as bloat. Gastropexy can be performed prophylactically in…
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Dogs: Christmas Dangers

The last place you want to be over the festive period is the out-of-hours vets, so let’s ensure we make Christmas a safe and happy one for your pooch. Christmas is such a busy time of year and with some much to do and so many things to consider it is easy to forget the…
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Keyhole Spay Vs Traditional

Although the traditional ‘open’ method is still more widely used, some people prefer the advantages of a less intrusive surgery for their pet such as quicker recovery time, less bruising, and tissue manipulation resulting in a more comfortable recovery. Spaying or neutering is a commonly performed surgery that involves the removal of the ovaries to…
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Kitten Socialisation

Preparing kittens for human life is crucial for their welfare. Adequate socialization reduces stress and behavior problems in adult cats, ensuring they can adapt to normal domestic settings. When To Socialise Your Kitten? The socialisation period, from two weeks to seven weeks old, is crucial for a kitten’s brain and sensory system development. Positive experiences…
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Puppy Socialisation

Socialisation is crucial for puppies to develop into happy, friendly, and confident adults, by providing positive experiences and understanding of future situations. Between 4 and 12 weeks, puppies undergo a socialisation period, learning about the world and developing resilience. This period teaches them how to adapt, cope, and enjoy everyday events, leading to increased happiness…
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